Thursday, December 10, 2009
So I took some time away because I had some health issues that were kinda scary, but all is well now and the bad stuff seems to be gone. Life is moving along at a nice pace, with lots of soul-searching on my part and rearranging priorities, and I'm glad to say that life lessons can still be learned even by old dogs like me.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Autumnal Equinox/Mabon Celebration
National Geographic has a nice little video about the equinox, and after viewing it, we talked about how some people think it's possible to stand an egg on its end during the vernal (spring) equinox. We decided to see if we could do it on the autumnal equinox (or actually a day early).
After a
I shared the story of Demeter and Persephone, after which we watched this clip on youtube:
After the clip, the children made apple candles with the assistance of the other moms...
...while I prepared the feast (also with the assistance of the other moms).
Roasted chicken, bread, butternut squash, sunflower kernels, mixed nuts, cantelouope, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, and apple crisp
Gallery of the Green Man
Monday, September 14, 2009
From the Archives Elsewhere: Memorable Homeschool Moments
1. A tiny bit of boasting comes back to bite me in the butt
I was at a homeschool meeting at a local park, discussing with a new acquaintance the fact that my children had been television-free for a month. She asked me how this was working, and I practically gushed. It’s been amazing, I told her. They get along so much better now! They hardly fight at all anymore!
…at which point First Daughter cut in front of The Son at the water fountain, and he whacked her in the head.
2. Sometimes the quiet isn’t a bad thing
I had been teaching the children sign language two days a week. One afternoon, I realized I hadn’t heard the kids in awhile. (I’m sure, as parents, you know the stab of fear I felt…no, not that they’d been kidnapped, but that they were destroying something.) I peeked into the living room, and they were sitting in a circle, signing to one another. I felt a rush of success, and we can all use that from time to time, right?
3. Speaking of sign language–
The first week we began learning to sign, Second Daughter became impatient to make sentences, so she made up her own signs. They were quite the riot. Of course, this doesn’t quite compare to the time she was walking around making these weird chanting noises, and I asked what she was doing. “I’m teaching myself Spanish.”
4. In the “You Never Know What They’re Going to Do or Say” Category–
You know…I take pride in the fact that my kids can carry on a conversation with just about anyone without regard to age. I attribute that to the fact that we homeschool, and because they interact with people of various ages, it just comes easily to them after awhile. I also take pride in the fact that my kids are constantly telling people how much they love homeschooling.
Oh, Smugness…thou bringest Bad Karma.
One early afternoon we were in a store, and a lady stopped to speak to the children. “Hello,” she smiled, “why aren’t you in school today?” Silence from my children. I spoke up. “We homeschool,” I said brightly.
“Oh,” said the woman, looking back at the kids. “Well. Do you like it?”
At this point, First Daughter looked shyly at her shoes, and Second Daughter shouted, “NO! We hate it!”
Boy, that was embarrassing.
5. Joy in Learning
This is from my old blog:
First Daughter made a connection today in school, and her face lit up when she got it, and I swear my heart almost burst. That flash of recognition and understanding that blew across her face…I am so thankful to have witnessed that. The excitement and wonder that they show when they learn something new…I can’t express it well, as I am so emotionally connected to it…I just can’t find the words at this moment.
So, how about you? I would love to hear about some of your most memorable homeschool moments.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Linky Love
We did watch President Obama's speech and talk about it, however.
But the purpose of today's post (yesterday's?) is to share three links to some things I enjoyed while reading the Carnival of Homeschooling.
First up is a post by Amy from Neighborhood Clubhouse, who shares an idea for using Google Maps--specifically My Maps--as a teaching tool. It's a very fun idea with many possibilities.
Next comes a post from Homeschool Dawn at Olive Plants, who shares a form of behavior management that will keep you from losing your marbles.
Finally, one blogger introduced another blogger who utilizes Khan Academy, a free curriculum of sorts that is posted via video. I've been poking around looking at some of the lessons, and I'm impressed.
Now it's off to Dreamland....