So I'm not the most html-or-css-or-whatever initials I need to use to make my blog look all prettified-capable person in the world. As a matter of fact, Dog could probably pounce on the keyboard and get more accomplished than I.
But I still had to indulge my desire to
try...and in the process, I lost all the links on my blogroll.
Thanks for the suggestion on "The Lives of Composers". I always go to the library armed with looong lists thanks to fellow homeschoolers blogs and comments.
Prettifying blog... Pain the butt. This, I know. But thanks for your efforts! Purty little blog! Heh heh.
I wanted to make this a three-column blog. Found the info online, changed all the coding it said to change, and voila! Three columns. But I couldn't get my gadgets or widgets or doodads to move into the third column. :/
So then I found a 3-column template and it looked pretty easy to switch and upload my banner, but no.
It's not the process. It's me. :)
Oh, well. Maybe someday.
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